Friday, March 17, 2006

R and R

It's 11 a. m. FINALLY!!!! The gay folks are gone. Daddy's off to the gay gold's gym and Mommy's quick at work picking up left overs. The most distressing thing this morning is the remote is way out of reach and one of these fuckers left on LOGO. Great another Foreign Gay Film Marathon. Today's list of things seen include: The UPS man, the Lesbian next door, a bird and that stupid cat from the neighbors that looks like an over-blown butt booger. I'm probably gonna spend the day napping. Kinda tired. The gays got home really late last night and kept me up bitching about Musical Theatre crap. My parents really need to get a life. I just found out this week that I was adopted. Kinda depressing. My real father is a black pug and my mom is a fawn pug. I guess that makes me blawn. Oh well. It could be worse. Still not sure how I feel about the gay folks but they feed me well and always have really cool stuff to chew on. Just don't want people to think that having gay parents make me gay. I'm totally into chicks. Speaking of chicks, I really, really miss this one chick, Eleasha who's got a great "rack". Nothing like a nice cushion for the naps, if you know what I mean. I think she's in Laska doing some musical about Air, that's what the gays say. Well, guess I better catch up on the shut eye since I never know how drunk the folks will be later, might have to take care of them a little. Hope they bring home one of those cheap pizzas from the Seven Eleven. Love em. Now it's time for a little peace and quiet and some zzzzzzzzzzz's with an annoying gay cable show.



Not sure how I feel about all this, Boo.
Looks like all the times you have been laying on the couch behind me as I blog, you have been studying the "how-to's".
I've got my eye on you, Lil' pugster...

11:08 PM  
Blogger Ryan Dean said...

Great Boo, now you're going to tell all of our secrets. Don't know how I feel about that. But welcome to the blogosphere anyway.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Oscar...I mean Buddha, I mean Boo...I sure do love you and am so glad that the adoption was easy and without any legal ramifications. If you had stayed my pug it would've been a LOT worse than living with the gays!
Love your 1st Mommy now Aunt J.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have it from a good source that Boo's Mom has been spotted with OTHER DOGS! A neighbor from "dahn Arlandria way" has reported sightings of SGS actually walking strangers' dogs. And attaching their poop to his windshield! Then driving wildly in an attempt to dislodge aforementioned poop bombs,(PB's) in upscale neighborhoods. I smell an intervention here friends.

6:33 PM  

You can shove your intervention, hack!
Yes, I admit it! I am a dog hooker!

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dog hooker! And the cutest one around! Just ask the old, toothless gays that emerge whenever you're struttin' yo stuff in one of your early mornin' wigs and Jackie O sunglasses! It's pics of that we want to see on your blog!
A Concerned Arlington Citizen

4:04 PM  

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