Another great person...........uh, animal that is in my life is Vivian. Vivian is a kat. here she is walking the fence like she does almost everyday. We're really good friends. She lives a couple of doors down and sometimes enjoys singing kat songs outside in the patio. she doesn't sound that good but I don't let her know. She enjoys mice (alive or dead), she likes cheese and loves to look through the trash. it's kind of embarrassing, becasue she will often ask me for food and I don't have any. I've had to come out and tell her that i only get fed once a day and that only when "the twirlies" feel like opening the can. Vivian and I have known each other for like years but we don't see each other a whole lot. she's always running around with some other kats or just out looking at stuff by herself. The most embarrssing moment was once i caught her out back doing the "you know what" with some other guy kat. At least i hope it was a guy kat. it sounded like it may have been a baracuda or wolf. But I was out back late just sky watching and smoking my pipe when i heard it. low at first and then louder. sounded like a squeaky backdoor that needed some oil on the hinges. well, i wasn't far off. After a few minutes i tried to sneak back in the house without them hearing me but i sneezed, as pugs often do. i froze. oh shoot. Buddah? is that you? she said. I answered like i was kinda out of it like i was on cough medicine. I explained that I had just come out for a quick pee and was going back to bed. and that I did. She never did bring it up ever again and i acted like i heard nothing. But sometimes on a quiet night, if you stand still and hold your breath, you can hear her. I hope she's not a hooker or something. i really like Vivian. perhaps she's just experiementing and will settle down soon. Anyway, wow, i can't belive i actually just told the world this. So, that's Vivian the kat. or should i say the ho-bag. just kidding. i don't judge, i simply report the news. Peace, Pugs and Pizza Crust, -Boo