Summer Ode to my gal Sade
this should be read as a beautiful Shakespeere style sonnet...............................................................As the summer looses her grip, as the autumn begins to awake, let us not forget the seasons nor our love forsake. As the moon changes her face and the winds blow anew, don't forget to call my ass and I'll call you. Just remember I love you and it will be alright. The answer my friend is blowing in the win. Sometimes when we touch , the honesty's too much and I have to break down and cry. I want to hold you till I yawn, till we both sleep til dawn, I want to hold you til the end of time. Sadie, Sadie lady, you make me crazy, crazy fro feeling so lonely. I'm crazy crazy for feeling so blue. think of me think of me fondly when we kiss goodbye, remember onec in awhile please promis me you'll try, Sadie, I miss you and hope you miss me. Boo