Summer Heat
If I still had balls, I would be sweating them off. but instead I'm sweating off all eight nipples. Seven of which still work. Hope everyone is staying cool. I'm over it. what the hell? But my great grandpug used to say "this too shall pass" . Tips for keeping cool: Drink lots of water, Drink lots of beer and then pass out and wake up tomorrow, when taking a walk run through the neighbors sprinkler, remove sports bra and go naked, apply ice cubes to ears, tongue and ankles, and when all else fails stay inside with your gay parents and watch project runway or reruns of the latest horror film. hope all the pugs are well. pray for the pugs and their owners in the middle east. Boo
My mommy hosed me down in the tub three times a day, 'cuz she got no central A/C and only a measly window unit!
Heck, at least it worked.
You are so frickin' cute I want to bite you.
I speak only from the human perspective, but I worked on a show a few years ago in an unairconditioned rehearsal space when it was literally like 100 out. I found keeping my feet in ice was very helpful. Painful at first, but worth it.
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