Saturday, July 29, 2006

To whom it may concer

Ok, this is the deal.............lately, for whatever reason I'm having a difficult time trying to post stuff. Either the pics won't load. or the draft won't save or whatever. Not sure what has been happening, but it's probably some technical thing. But just to catch up, Went to a civil war park a couple of weeks ago and got to see "historical" stuff. Kinda cool. Actually kinda hot. I alsmost sweated my where-my-doo-dads-used-to-be off. It's no wonder the south lost, I mean they had signs pointing to where they were. Duh. Maybe they should have pointed them the other way. makes no difference. It was kinda filled with mixed emotion to think that possibly Stonewall PugJackson or General Grant and his poodle "cheeseball" quite possibly could have marked this spot. Not to mention the other civil war greats Ty Cob, Rolling Rock or maybe General Tso. But me and the "Fabulous Brothers" had a pretty good time. what's up with this "Birds Only" sign. didn't segregation end? Racist bastards. anyway, i hope all is well. Peace out, Pugs Rock.


Blogger Brandon said...

They are racist bastards if I want to chase birds I should be allowed to do it. What was this country reated for, Freedom. Now you can't run around and chase birds this is unacceptable, I am looking at houses in Canada at least they know how to have a good time and it's now nearly so hot there!

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »

4:52 AM  

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