Monday, September 17, 2007

Chinese Laundrymat

Today I decided to help out around the hous. I know, I know. I started with the laundry. Here I am sorting the whites and the colors. but some of the whites are really white anymore. do i put them in the almost white pile or the almost colors pile. Let's see. What to do? What to do? I know I'll just put them in one big pile and and take it step by step. One sock, One tee, dirty underwear, jeans, jeans, jeans, matches, dollar bills, coins, chapstick, etc. Tank tops, shorts, dress pants, dress shirts, boxers, briefs, bikinis, short sleeve, long sleeve, khaki, old, new, borrowed, stolen, oh my god, i can't take it, what to do? How do these people from my country do it? I can't take it. It's too much. I'll never be able to be a dry cleaner. or a wet cleaner. or a cleaner cleaner. oh god. I know. take a breath.

That's better. Maybe tomorrow. Love, Boo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How do these people from my country do it?" Haaa Haaa! Buddah you so funny you had me laughing with that one. Don't fret my darling husband, I guess you have just been here in america far to long. Thats ok, just let your dad do it, you take it easy. Love you Boo

9:04 PM  

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